A Chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America

Wednesday Lunch at Buck's

Al Bachman sent a note to say a number of Salt Creek'ers plan to get lunch on Wednesday's at Buck's Pit Stop in Hodgkins again.  They gather at noon to visit and talk about everything and nothing, including Model A issues.

Souper Bowl

February 18th Meeting

Early start at 6:30PM  No Early Birds please we will lose our deposit

​​$5.00 at the door for those not bringing food            

Call Ken Strysick 224 383-5715

If you wish to bring a Soup, Salad, Desert

Club meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm in the banquet room at

Buck's Pit Stop

6501 Kane Avenue

Hodgkins, Illinois  60525

(708) 588-0095


The Salt Creek Model A Ford Club is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the Model A Ford.

Founded in 1971, current membership is 91 individuals and families, including youth members.

Dues are $20.00 per year.  Model A ownership is not required.
